Chest Pain

Madison Avenue Cardiovascular
Mark L. Meyer, MD, FACP, FACC
Board Certified Physician located in Midtown Manhattan, New York, NY
Up to 40% of people have chest pain at some point in their lives. While chest pain doesn’t always equal heart problems, in some cases, it’s the first warning of a heart attack or other life-threatening condition. You can take charge of your heart health by coming to Madison Avenue Cardiovascular in Midtown, Manhattan, for chest pain evaluation and diagnosis with renowned cardiologist Mark Meyer, MD, FACP, FACC. Book your appointment online, or call the office in New York City today.
Chest Pain Q & A
What symptoms does chest pain cause?
All chest pain isn't sharp — in fact, many people group all types of chest discomfort together into the "chest pain" category. Chest pain can include symptoms such as:
- Burning
- Crushing
- Tightness
- Pressure
- Sporadic pain
- Pain that increases with physical activity
- Radiating pain that moves into your jaw, neck, shoulders, arms, or other areas
You may also have symptoms like cold sweats, breathing difficulties, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, or vomiting when you have chest pain.
Why do I have chest pain?
Many conditions can cause chest pain, including serious heart problems like heart attack, pericarditis, atrial fibrillation, valvular heart disease, coronary artery disease, and aortic dissection. Hypertension can reduce blood flow to your heart, potentially leading to chest pain.
A few of the many other causes of chest pain can include pneumonia, panic attacks, asthma, and acid reflux. If you have persistent chest pain, it’s important to come into the Madison Avenue Cardiovascular office to find out why it’s happening and take steps to prevent progression.
How does chest pain diagnosis work?
Dr. Meyer performs a physical exam and carefully reviews all of your chest pain symptoms. He reviews your medical history, lifestyle, and other factors that may play a role in diagnosis, as well as performing diagnostic tests based on your symptoms.
Some of the tests you may need include an echocardiogram, blood tests, stress testing, and chest X-ray. If Dr. Meyer diagnoses you with a heart condition, he can then formulate a plan tailored for your needs.
What does chest pain treatment involve?
Dr. Meyer uses a combination approach, including both medicine and lifestyle management. He incorporates alternative approaches like stress management and yoga, along with healthy changes like nutritional support and regular exercise.
You may need oral medications, such as blood thinners, thrombolytic drugs, or nitroglycerin to manage your chest pain and reduce the risk of heart attack and other life-threatening issues. If you have hypertension, high cholesterol, or other health-threatening problems, you may need specific medications for those issues.
If you have chest pain because of a blocked blood vessel, you could need angioplasty and stenting or bypass surgery.
Get help for your chest pain by calling Madison Avenue Cardiovascular or clicking the online appointment maker now.